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Reading Formats

Reading Formats

I was a reader long before e-readers existed. I’ve had strong opinions about them and I’ve changed my tune—a little anyway. For a few years I was fully anti-e-reader. How could I even enjoy losing myself in a book if I wasn’t turning a “real” page?

Well, necessity is the mother of invention change. Poor student + amazing public library in my new town = tablet for internet searches and games turned exclusive e-reader. The first time I used it as such it didn’t bother me the way I thought it would. In fact, I lost myself in the story so much that that I cried my eyes out in the middle of the night.

These days my Kindle Fire (my cat broke the tablet screen and I was bereft. Note: don’t leave your tablet on the bathroom counter where your littlest likes to evade the biggest one at top speed) is one of my book-reading tools. I’ve used it about thirty percent of the time in 2019. Yes, I still prefer a physical book (especially when the physical book is less likely to hurt when smacking my nose if I fall asleep reading) but I’m happy with the ease of access to some titles through the library or via e-books I picked up during a holiday sale.

Hardback or paperback?

If I had unlimited funds (which having bought a house this year I don’t) I would always have a hardcover edition. After all, they last longer and stand up to my rude treatment (I’m only kind of kidding about the rudeness). But there is always room on my shelf / stack for a paperback. Paperbacks are like favorite jeans or leggings that embody priceless casual comfort; don’t retire (read: throw out) unless they are disintegrating. I don’t feel as guilty marking them up (hardcovers sometimes feel as though they are judging me when I’m underlining or making a note). They are easier to carry around in my bag or backpack. The verdict: give me both.


I’m in early days with audiobooks. So far I’ve only read about two a year for the last couple of years; they were all non-fiction that I most likely would not have otherwise finished. I do like that I can engage in reading while doing something else: walking, laundry, dishes, etc. But I have not enjoyed it nearly as much as the other formats. I think some of it is that a couple of the narrators were not to my liking and seemed to make the book go slower. Perhaps it’s where I am in my life. Or perhaps it’s because it’s all been nonfiction and a good narrator reading fiction would pull me in more. I don’t know. I’ll be testing fiction out in 2020 for the first time and will add an addendum here.

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