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2020 Reading Challenge

2020 Reading Challenge

Number of Books

Sticking to 25. It’s a good number and achievable (read in Maude Lebowski’s voice).


Equal spit of women/men (or I’ll go off the rails again and read more books by women like I did last year) + one or more written by a non-binary person.


Thirty percent people of color. I read a lot of white authors last year and thirty percent seems like a good place to start. I’m also going to be searching out more books written by authors who don’t hail from the US or UK.


Still on a mission to find some enjoyment listening to audio books. Goal: one fiction, one nonfiction.


50/50 women/men; two to four collections

Reading Women Podcast Challenge

Follow and finish their challenge which will definitely help with my other goals. I made note of their challenge last year but didn’t want to fully adhere to it—had other things going on. It’s time now.

Analog Book Journal

Just want to do it because it sounds fun. I use a notebook to track goals, To-Do lists, and other things throughout the year and love it. Why not expand to a book journal?


An important one. I do sometimes make exceptions to the did-not-finish rule if I’m not loving it but am finding it interesting enough, or want to have context for something. I might keep track of unfinished books and note why I put them down.

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